Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Kiss Stolen, a full metal panic fanfic - FanFiction.Net

A Kiss Stolen, a full metal panic fanfic - FanFiction.Net
 So this is an anime/ manga and its seriously awesome. If you dont know full metal panic it probably won'y make as much sense but its still adorable

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Heroine's

Okay so you read the book you fall in love with the main character and can't stop thinking about her until you read the next book fall in love with that character and cant stop thinking about her until the next book, repeat cycle. Who really is the best main character? In my internal debate i personally change my mind between Rose (vampire academy), Katniss (hunger games), or Tris (divergent). It's like my mind is having a ping pong battle between my favorite characters. So with Rose you get a bad ass who's sexy and she knows it. I love her determination and pride; i think it makes her a more dynamic character. She knows what she believes and won't changer her mind for anyone, and i cant help but admire that. She gave so much to people, she continually sucked the darkness from lissa at the cost of her own sanity, it says a lot about her.She can be really shallow sometimes and her erratic decisions when it comes to guys annoyed me. I mean first it was Dimitri, Mason, Dimitri, Mason dies, Dimitri, Adrian, Dimitri, Adrian, Dimitri. It's like damn make up your mind, not to mention the fact that she is always using Mason and Adrian to get what she wants. If she made up her mind on Dimitri then stick with that decision and stick with it. And she was almost too perfect, in the end everything worked out for her so it was more than a little anticlimatic. Katniss is probably higher in my books then Rose. I absolutely loved that she would do anything for her sister, even volunteer to die. I can't help but sympathize with her situation more than Roza. Her home was destroyed, she was forced to murder kids, she watched her sister die, her mom abandoned her, the rebellion used her, the capitol tried to steal Peeta's love for her, she lost her best friend, she was the catalyst for the destruction of her world. I could go on but that should be enough for anyone who actually decides to read this. Katniss made decisions that affected everyone and the author really showed how Katniss was unraveling from the weight of it all. She had more substance and imperfections which i really appreciated. Her ending wasn't perfect either, she lost the person she loved most, her sister Prim, became a sort of mutation i guess, lost a bit of her sanity, and was abandoned by her mom and best friend; hardly a fairy tale ending. And finally Tris. Her character had so much depth to her and she was just the most relate-able i suppose. She has flaws, she makes mistakes, she isn't perfect. When you read about her you go through i larger spectrum of emotions; you can laugh, cry, smile, get pissed off, sigh... you name it. Her actions were the most diverse, which added gained my instant respect. And her life isnt exactly a picnic either. Her entire faction becomes mindless and goes on a massacre, her parents sacrifice themselves for her, she killed an innocent person, she is stuck with Marcus, and she is at the mercy of others decisions. Kinda sucks huh? So if you know who you would choose leave me a comment, as well as any topics you want me to discuss, Much obliged

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Mortal Instruments Series

A sword, a cup, and a mirror that happens to be a lake. They are the mortal instruments given to a shadow hunter race by the angel Raziel. Sounds pretty good eh? This pretty much forms the platform for Cassandra Clare's novels. Now I read this book because the name was city of bones and maybe I'm the only one who thinks that's pretty intriguing, but I'm not ashamed to admit that's why i ended up reading it. First things first though, I absolutely detest the main character, Clary. She is one of the worst heroine's I've ever read about; she is just always getting in the way. Her brand of helping is the one stupid and clueless people give (no offense). And she thinks that she can do whatever the hell she wants and get away with it! I mean come on dude you have no idea what your doing so quit trying to be like Jace! So that's a good way to change the subject because Clary makes my blood pressure go high. Jace is pretty cool, he's not amazing but not nearly as bad as Clary thank god. But I don't want to give Jace too much credit either, he's not that great. I think the author made him too tortured I guess and he always makes his problems really complicated, I mean come on dude quit trying to.make your life a soap opera! And the relationship between the two is almost childish with how hard the author tries to make it, I suppose you could say passionate. Its just overworked. There happens to be a couple saviors in the book though; Isabel, Mangus, and Valentine. Isabel is a character who really did have more than just face value. She was always a pretty tough girl, but as the book develops you find out that she isn't just a shallow character with nothing beneath the surface. Mangus is my favorite character in this series, he is an eccentric warlock who couldn't be stranger if he tried. Mangus is hilarious in all of his glitter encrusted glory. Valentine who is this series main antagonist is villainous in a different way than expected. He holds no regard for his son's feelings, and has a clear conscious despite all of the lies he has told. I think that what made him so interesting is that while his actions were evil he truly resented doing them. This series is a nice read if you have nothing better but i wouldn't particularly recommend them to anyone, i wouldn't really read this series again though.

Vampire Academy

Okay so I know i was criticizing the whole vampire thing, but i did say that i liked a couple and Vampire Academy is definitely one of them. Rose is the main character/guardian and she's like a slap in the face. She is sarcastic, stubborn, prideful, and will fight through anything. Rose is bad ass and honestly i know this is really stupid but i will ask myself what would Roza do alot of the times. Not talking anything from anyone, taking care of herself, protecting the people she loves; Rose is the embodiment of what a perfect girl could be. Her confidence is really entertaining too, she's gorgeous and she knows it. Roza developed through out the story and she gained the wisdom necessary to go through her crazy life. The determination she kept inside of her is to be admired. Roza is a bit impulsive though, and her ignorance does cause a large amount of pain to the people who love her. Lissa is also an important protagonist, she is Rose's best friend and the last of the Dragomir line. She has a slightly unusual talent, she manifests spirit, and while the ability to heal people is fantastic it comes with a cost. Her growing insanity is a major part of the book, Roza is the only reason she hasn't gone off the deep end at this  point. She does have a lot of potential to do life changing things. She helps in her own way by talking and revolutionizing the moroi world Lissa can get a little annoying with how fragile she is, also how she never really understands what is really going on. She relies to much on other people, she needs to man up and take care of herself. In my opinion Lissa was just a little to shallow, her only saving trait was the fact that she had spirit and she was constantly fighting the darkness with Rose. Dimitri on the other hand was perfect in every way. I would not mind a man like him! His guilt over the destruction he caused, his love for Roza, and the fact that he had an evil inside of him was perfect! Dimitri is Roza's better half, but he is still alot like her. Dimitri has just had more time to mature. The forbidden love between Rose and Dimitri added a little spice if you will. Christian who happens to be Lissa's love intrest is awesome! I say this because he is alot like me (according to myself and all my friends who read this series). He is bad with people, impulsive, and slighlty on the emo side. Christian adds alot to this book in my opinion. Eddie is the more solemn part of the book. He reminds the reader's that pain is a very real factor in their lives and it can alter people irrevocably. Tasha in my opinion is an annoying character and i always knew there was a reason i didn't like her; i'll leave it at that. And Abe, Rose's player dad is probably my favorite character in that book. He's like a mix between Jack Sparrow and Tom Hardy! Anyways the characters in this book are some of the most developed i've ever encountered. I would recommend this series to anyone who loves action with a touch of romance

Friday, March 16, 2012

Peeta or Gale?

I am so sick of people talking about which Team they are and whos better and blah blah blah. I mean guys that's not really the point of the book. But then i got to thinking this is some serious stuff and i decided what the hell might as well put it out there. So Gale is the bad ass hunter who doesnt need anyone and will do what ever it takes to win the rebellion, Peeta is the bakers son who can move an entire country with just his words. I love how Gale is so passionate about his beliefs and determined to do what he thinks is right that i cant help but love him. Not to mention the fact that he's known Katniss for all these years and understands her better than herself sometimes. I feel sorry for Gale too, i mean he has to take care of his mom and all of his siblings and he lost his dad in a mining accident. And horror of all horrors he has to watch the girl he fell in love with kiss another man on a television screen to survive. But Gale is too brusque and he can be pretty selfish. I hated how he turned away from Katniss when she needed him and in the end he left for a job.  Peeta is pretty amazing too. He basically saved Katniss and her family from starvation when he burned the bread and took a beating to give her some food, i mean he gains instant respect points in my book. Peeta also knows how to work the crowds so that must come in handy when you live in a place of rebellion. i do have sympathy for how he really did love Katniss and she used his feelings to their advantage. Also the fact that even with the tracker jacker venom he still came to love her shows alot. So in the end i guess it really depends on what a person is looking for.

Hunger Games Movie!!!!!

Dear Lord its really happening! Some genius decided to make The Hunger Games a movie and now its only a couple days away! I literally count the days until i will be able to watch this movie. I already preordered my tickets (Dbox, the day of) and i've even got my plan for the day mapped out. I mean guys I'm cutting school for this, and i will go to school unless i'm the process of dying or if my best friends/ cousins from Canada are here. I think Jennifer Lawrence will be perfect for Katniss, i confess i had my doubts when i first found out but now... Gale and Peeta seem pretty good to, but they arent exactly what i imagined. And Lenny Kravitz is going to play Cinna! That is beyond awesome! MARCH 23 HERE I COME!

Bloodsucker Books

So how about those vampires. They are everywhere these days, ever since that stupid twilight movie came out vampires have been taking over book stores. I mean its not like i dont enjoy a good vampire book every now and then but i mean come on people this is getting old. I'm sure that vampires aren't the only things that you can write about. I will admit i have read my fair share of vampire series but i can proudly say that most of them are older than twilight. I really like Vampire Academy, Night World  and Stargazer is really good to, but i know when to draw the line. I mean i swear this has to stop, there are girls out there who are borderline maniac about vampires these days. If i never see another person who is convinced that just because they're pale they automatically became a vampire i would be more than happy. I mean people seriously do you really want to be a bloodsucking immortal who lives by killing others? And don't try to pull that whole you don't have to kill them thing, if your sucking out someones life to survive because your dead then you have some personal problems. Oh and just because they stay young and beautiful forever doesnt mean you should go thinking being a vampire is a suitable option. i'm pretty sure being 18 gets annoying fast. So in the end its my opinion against the rest of the world so it doesnt really matter. If you want to read more about life killing monsters be my guest, but maybe just maybe trying something else would be good for your sanity (no offense meant)

What are blogs?

All right i will be the first to admit that i'm pretty to new to this whole blog thing, brand new actually. I accidently made this when i trued to sign up for my cousins website blog thing. I'm pretty sure most people come and post their whole life and what they ate and who they talked to, not that im hating... you know what never mind i'm hating. Maybe by writing this i'm proving myself to be just as shallow as they are but who cares. I mean i'm pretty sure i could live my life without knowing what someone ate for breakfast, but maybe thats just me. you know what now that i'm started let me just get all of this internet posting stuff off my chest. I hate that some people find it necessary to tell the world every little detail about them selves. I mean i honestly do'nt care at all if some one looked at her, or if he's sitting on a couch, or if she's buying a dress for prom. I mean people get over yourselves! And i hate that people are just constantly updating their status, in a relationship, just broke up, single. I mean dude if your that concerned about who your dating then you have some serious issues you need to work out. Anyways i went completely off topic. I just wanted to put it out there that i have no idea what im doing so dont judge my sad little blog thing that no one will ever see.

The Hunger Games

Wow! This book did something to me, I'm not a sentimental person but this story is a part of me now. I read the book because i recognized the author and it was on a reading list. Once i picked it up it was almost physically painful to put it back down. The emotions created by the breathtaking words of Suzanne Collins were the result of her mastery and her truly magnificent voice. The main protagonist Katniss was truly a work of art and my absolute favorite character to date, she even beat out Snape ( Harry Potter).  Her anguish, and struggle between staying herself or letting the games alter her forever, and indecision between Peeta and Gale provided a suspense i almost couldnt handle. On that note i would like to bring in the topic of Gale and Peeta who in my opinion destroy Edward and Jacob (No offense intended). Gale is the stoic best friend who would understand her completely and fan the flames of her personality and ideas. Peeta is the paragon of everything she subconsciously desires to be and the balance to her passion and rage. I also think that Haymitch and Cinna are characters that deserve to be in some hall of fame. I love how Haymitch is the bad ass drunk mentor and Cinna is the quiet rebel who creates a legacy through clothes. Prim and Rue are also not to be forgotten, both girls bring the softness that's necessary to counter the hardness of the novel. Alright i'm going way out there now. Bottom Line if you have any taste left in you after reading twilight i recommend reading this book it opens up a whole new genre that beats the cliche love story that seems to be everywhere


Divergent was one of the absolute best books about a dystopian society! I was in complete ecstasy the entire time I was reading it. The main protagonist Tris is one of the best book characters i've ever read about it (and i've read alot of books). The fact that she was just a normal girl made her more amazing in my opinion. She was tough, and stubborn, and vulnerable in an endearing sort of way. Her passion to remain strong and become a member of Dauntless was inspirational; and her cunning made her all the more bad a** I would have loved to receive more insight on her past and why being a part of Abnegation was so hard for her. The way she developed throughout the book supported the, shall we say flavor of the book. And don't even get me started on Four! He brought the mystery, sexiness, and inner turmoil that the book needed to  go a little deeper. I love how throughout the book he remained true to his own character and managed to help develop Tris' as well.This book definitely did not disappoint and i would recommend it to anyone who is sick of the vampire sucking romance's that seem to be taking over the book stores.